National Assessment and Accreditation Council


Section A - From the Principle's Desk

It is with pleasure that we announce our readiness to apply for NAAC accreditation. The college is applying for the first time as it is a comparatively new institution and it was felt by all stakeholders that real effort to make the institution worthy of its declared aims should be made before applying for judgment before an august institution like NAAC. The college has grown from modest beginnings to become a big institution offering both Undergraduate and Post Graduate as well as distance education (Post Graduate) study centre opportunities. The college has very good laboratory facilities and a growing library. The student profile is diverse and the community served by the college has high hopes of this institution for the future of the next generation. The UGC and other funding agencies have generously contributed to the development of infrastructure of the college and hopefully we will be able to justify the trust placed on us by all our benefactors and stakeholders. My earnest wish is to see my trust in the institution vindicated by our efforts at accreditation. Regards and best wishes.

Section B - Preperation of Self-Study Report


NAAC Awareness