Department of Chemistry

Study Materials provided by Dr. Ujjwal Das

Department of Geography

Study materials provided by Mrs. Prashasti Bhattacharyya.

Biogeography Study Materials in Bengali

Biogeography Study Materials in English

Study materials provided by Dr. Saswati Roy.

Department of Physics

Study materials provided by Ms. Sulakshana Mondal.

Study materials provided by Dr. Subhankar Tripathi (Principal Sir).

Study materials provided by Dr. Suman Sinha.

Study materials provided by Ms. Sulakshana Mondal.

Department of Microbiology

Study materials provided by Dr. Sutapa Ganguly.

Study materials provided by Dr. Abul Hasan Sardar.

Study materials provided by Dr. Sutapa Ganguly.

Study materials provided by Dr. Abul Hasan Sardar.

Department of Electronics

B.Sc. Sem-4 Electronics General

B.Sc. Sem-2 Electronics General

Department of Computer Science

Study material provided by Ms. Krishna Daripa.

Department of Zoology

Study materials provided by Ishita Ray

Department of Commerce

Coming soon..